This year we are not travelling anywhere for Easter. Instead, we are going to use the time to get done a few of those things that we always say we want to do. In my case, it is mostly related about photography.
I have never been very consistent with my photographs. Rolls, polaroids and raw files tend to accumulate in the same messy way, regardless of whether the are digital or physical. This has been particularly bad during the last two years. But I am determined to change that.
So this is my ambitions TO-DO list for Easter:
Setup and configure the new iMac
Migrate and organise files, creating proper backup workflows
Develop old rolls and organise the film in folders
Scan polaroids and organise them
Re-design my own website! A new look, new portfolio, fresh information
Write at least a couple of articles in the blog
Upload nice pictures that I find along the way to flickr
Print some of those nice pictures - need to experiment more with the printer!
Understand color spaces and color profiles: my color pictures are still a little bit off
If the weather is nice, go out and take new pictures!
Keep you posted!
Even my fridge would benefit for a bit more of order...